Tuesday 12 February 2013

Puerto Madryn to Tasmania and the Chili challenge

A couple of years ago when we were in Tasmania, we stopped at a place called ‘the Edge of the World’ – the most westerly point of the island.  We looked out across the ocean and realized the next stop was Argentina.  This photo from Puerto Madryn is looking towards Tasmania at 42 degrees south – the locals didn’t believe me when I told them they were further south than South Africa and Tasmania was the next landfall – I wonder if any of them researched it further?

 A very pleasant seaside resort – we opted out of a tour and just spent the day having ‘a holiday on our holiday’.  I only bought two pairs of boots and we had a great lunch on the beach.  It was originally settled by Welsh farmers (!?) and many streets and surnames reflect this - and their descendants are still farming sheep...

The area around Puerto Madryn is the Peninsula Valdez that received a 'natural' UNESCO World Heritage listing in 1999.

En route to Montevideo, the ship hosted a chili challenge and Paul dressed up as Captain Cook to create the 'Great Australian Chili Bight/Bight'.  We used the ship's kitchens to create our dishes - for 50 serves!!! Paul was interviewed for the ship's TV channel and we all had to dress up as our characters.

Paul being interviewed by cruise director Jamie Logan for TV

We didn't win - I think too many passengers (80% American) found it to be unlike what you'd get at a Tex Mex restaurant.  We received much great feedback from the chefs and senior staff however, and what's more we had a really great time doing it.  This a photo to click and enlarge as there's a pirate 'guest'.

Captain Cook and his ' motley crew' Peggy and Gretchen


  1. Can we have the recipe please? Stacey :)

  2. I see you haven't forgotten how to stand to attention from your old navy days! Stacey

  3. un merveilleux assortiment de chapeaux que vous recueillez sur ce voyage. Je me demande si vous prendrez chapeau rose avec des plumes d'autruche à rio

    1. Ostrich is de rigueur in Rio - pity we can't bring feathers back into Oz

  4. Were pyjama trousers part of the dress code for the challenge ?
