Wednesday 16 January 2013

Bill's day at sea.

Hi everyone! As yesterday was a sea day I asked Paul to take some photos of me while I show you around the ship.


  1. Il est mignon. Qu'est-ce qui se passe si il tombe par-dessus bord après une soirée à boire avec son père? y at-il un gilet de sauvetage spécial pour lui? At-il eu des cours de natation?

    1. Bill has refused swimming lessons despite our best efforts, but as his surrogate parents we have undertaken to make sure he doesn't go out on deck after drinking and we're happy to share our life jackets with him. Thanks for your concern:)

  2. Big day for Bill, he must have been exhausted!

  3. I've never met Bill. Had no idea that he would be joining you. Hope he doesn't eat too much

  4. Jules - this ship will never run out of food OR drink!
