Thursday 24 January 2013

Hello to my friends!

Hi. We are currently heading to our last Peruvian port and I thought you might like to see me relaxing with a local beer after meeting with the Watermelon King and his major domo at lunch.


  1. Que la bière ressemble serait la boisson parfaite pour une chaude journée comme celle d'aujourd'hui, j'espère que ça vous a plu. Le roi a besoin d'une couronne! peut-être que vous devriez lui offrir le panama

  2. Is Bill putting on weight .....

  3. Hi, how was Lima, The shopping, the food, the History, the theatre, the dancing, the music and the nightlife. Wish I was there!!!!

  4. Hi Candy, Paul and Bill - looks like you're having a fascinating trip. Not surprisingly I'm loving all the exotic food and beverage info! This is the first time I've ever read or responded to a blog...seems easy enough so far despite my naturally technophobic tendency. Its Australia Day here - so Ian, Sophie and I will shortly fire up the barbie, as tradition dictates. Happy Australia Day! Michele

    1. I'll keep food in my sights - remember you and Alexander will be making the Oz Pisco Sours, we could't have a BBQ for Oz day as I'm actually in quarantine for Gastro for 24 hours - this ends in 4 hours when I then eat bland food for another day. Good way to lose any weight I've put on :). Good on you for reading the blogs!
