Monday 28 January 2013

Coquimbo and La Serena, Chile with Bill

Hi. This is a popular holiday destination for Chilean families because of its 14km beach. There is a local monument like a lighthouse and I made some new friends there!
We've all been a bit sick the last few days, but everyone is getting better now.
The Chilean fjords are coming up soon, and so are the penguins!!!
See you soon.



  1. I guess the lighthouse isn't UNESCO heritage listed ....

    1. Well spotted - the beach however is pretty speccie even by Oz standards. The Oz surfers would have a field day - but the locals did not seem quite as adventurous. Paul (the ex-surfer) could spot numerous rips as we drove along - clearly marked by flags plus they had life savers and helicopter rescue teams on hand etc., but as usual, the flags warnings were often ignored. Plus ca change...

  2. Je viens de remarquer une ressemblance incroyable entre Bill et Paul.

    Si vous lui couper les oreilles et lui teint vert, alors qu'ils ressemblent à des jumeaux!

    (Juste pour éviter toute confusion et d'offense Je suis bien sûr parler de Paul comme dans le film)

  3. We understand your movie reference. They are both extra terrestrials after all - but Bill may not be funnier - but he is cuter. Whether Simon Pegg ever wears a Panama Hat to accompany ET Paul on his travels is another matter :)
