Wednesday 30 January 2013

Quiz - where are we?

Trivia time - where are we?

At the beach?





The Himalayas?

Or around Puerto Montt in Chile?

Of course, the last is correct - Paul with the llama is a give away.  This remote region at the start of the Chilean fjords and Patagonia was initially developed in the post Colombian period in the 1850s as previous habitation was sparse and the land covered by dense forest.  In a effort to expand the region  German immigrants were encouraged to clear the area, enticed by attractive land grants.  The land was supposed to resemble the climate of parts of Germany and they brought their crops, fruit trees and cattle with them and their farming achievements and descendants remain. 

The outstanding natural beauty of the area was recognised more recently and it has become a local tourist destination incorporating the OrsonoVolcano, Lake Llanquihue, the fringe of the Andes and Petrohue Falls.  Both lupins and fuchsia are endemic to this area;  more recently a huge farmed salmon business has been established in the pristine waters.

We were told it rained 300 days a year, but it's obvious we had a glorious day. Here's some more photos of the stunning Orsono Volcano and Lake Llanquihue:


  1. Pour un jour glorieux je me serais attendu à voir le Panama perché sur la tête de Paul. Bill aurait pu se cacher à l'intérieur de l'écart des lamas.

  2. Paul had the hat in his pocket, but you know about working with children and animals - you just capture the moment... Bill may have been spat at - as was a lady who ventured too close in the wrong direction. When they have their ears back - watch out!

  3. You said at the end of you last post you were on your way to Puerto Montt so it was pretty easy to guess

  4. if you do get a llama spit at you (or better still vomit over you) send it off to Chanel, they just paid $65,000 for some whale emesis !!

  5. Thats the best looking Volcano I have ever seen.

  6. Where to next? Your posted itinerary only goes up to the end of January.

    And when Re you going to dish the dirt on your fellow travellers?

    Have fun!

